Kids Club Wraparound Care
Wrap Around Care at Flintham Primary School
We are delighted to be able to offer wraparound care at Flintham Primary School. This provision is provided by experienced school staff and is on the school site in the library. We are delighted to be able to offer the best possible provision for our children.
Booking and payment will be via The Lime Trees website:
Breakfast club: 7:30am-8:45am with breakfast (cereal or toast) for £6.60
Short Afternoon Session: 3:15pm-4:45pm (with a piece of fruit) for £6 (timings will be strictly adhered to and if children are collected after 4:45pm they will be charged for the long session).
Long Afternoon Session: 3:15pm-6:00pm (with a small snack type meal) for £12.85
If parents are running late for school pick up the school can put your child into the club (for the charge of the short session) to enable parents to get to school to collect their child.
We have introduced themed evenings to give children different opportunities each night. These are: Music Monday, Handcraft Tuesday, Sports Wednesday, Tech Thursday and Game Friday. In addition to this we hold a themed evening once a term. These have included Halloween activities, Christmas craft, Easter games, sports games and Chinese New Year.
We hope that all of our pupils who attend our wraparound care will flourish.
Should parents need to contact staff during kids club's hours please use this number: 07561 858136