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Flintham Primary School

Flintham Primary School

Friends of Flintham PTA (Charity No. 1208700)

Dear Parents and Friends of Flintham Primary School,

The Friends of Flintham is a group of people – Mums, Dads, Carers, Grandparents etc who like to get involved with activities and help to organise fundraising for our school. We are a registered charity, following successful fundraising over the last couple of years. 

You don’t have to commit to anything and everything, we all lead such busy lives, but if you feel that you would like to become involved or would like to know more please do get in touch with either school or Mrs Hearse, the Chair. 

Parental support comes in many shapes and forms across various schools. We are fortunate at Flintham to be strengthening of our group by way of making the ‘The Friends of Flintham'  PTA team to harness this support. 

The key roles are held by: Chair of The Friends of Flintham is Mrs Hearse, Treasurer is Mrs Klingbeil and Secretary is Mrs Boyle. These are just the key roles, there are other parents involved as part of the team too. 

In the past, we have hosted Summer and Christmas Fayres, A Race Night, Casino Night, and Jumble Sale, that have all benefited the children significantly. Look out for any future events. 

Of course the financial benefits of such a group are obvious. However, we believe that the social element and overall benefits to our school community are of upmost importance. Essentially we think that we can all gain something from having a strong Flintham family all working together for the good of the school community.

By becoming a member of The Friends of Flintham PTA team you can become an important part of helping to ensure that this idea become a reality. Please join with us to make a difference to the education, health, and welfare of our children.

If you are keen to become part of The Friends of Flintham PTA please see us on the playground or let Gail know in the School Office.

If you would like to make a donation to the school or make a payment for a Friends of Flintham PTA event please find their bank details here:

Bank Name: Lloyds Bank 

Account Name: Friends of Flintham PTA

Sort Code: 30-99-50

Account Number: 39976460

We look forward to having YOU as a member!

Kind regards,

Everyone within the FOF